Subsidy plays a very important role in solar roof-top system because these system are costly and with subsidy it help to reduce some cost .
If we talk about uttar Pradesh then we have two subsidy giving by government Which is only for on-grid roof –top solar solution (NET METERING) i.e one by central government and another by state government for only residential connection .There is no subsidy for any Off-grid system (system with battery backup) and commercial on-grid solar rooftop system
The two subsidy which has been giving by government in uttar Pradesh are as follows:
- State government Subsidy –This subsidy is given as Rs15000/ kw and maximum amount is given as Rs30000 i.e for 1 kw system state government pays you 15000 only , for 2 kw system it will be Rs 30000 only and for above 2 kw it will same as Rs30000 only.
- Central government subsidy- This government pays you 40 % of the benchmark cost till 3kw system and for above 3 kw system to 10 kw system they pay 20% of the benchmark cost.
For Above 10 kw system ,government pays only for the amount of 10 kw system benchmark cost .
Benchmark cost for current year is Rs50000/kw which has been decieded by MNRE
Currenty,There is no subsidy giving by Government for any type of solar Roof-top system